Study Abroad

When approved, MBA students may pursue study abroad credit for a semester abroad. Credit may be  granted only for elective courses taken at a Babson partner business school when a grade of “C–” or better  has been earned and the Office of Graduate Academic Services has received the official transcript. Note: only  credit is transferred, not grades. The student’s Babson transcript will record study abroad credit with an  asterisk. The Babson GPA does not include grades for courses taken at Babson partner business schools. Therefore, students will have the same GPA when they return from overseas as they had before they left. In addition, with prior approval, students may pursue a semester abroad program at an accredited institution  of their own choosing with the permission of the Office of Graduate Academic Services. Courses taken during  a study abroad program not affiliated with a Babson partner business school will follow post- matriculation  transfer credit policies. 

In all cases, whether through the Semester Abroad program at a partner institution or through Post Matriculation Transfer Credit at a non-partner school, MBA students are limited to one semester (12 credits)  of non-residential credit. 

Semester Abroad

At Babson, we offer graduate students the opportunity to spend a semester at one of our distinguished partner institutions in Europe or Asia.

Our programs fit a variety of interests and goals and allow graduate students to diversify their business knowledge base, immerse themselves in a different culture, and build their international professional networks.

To learn how you can spend an semester or summer abroad, please explore the pages below: