Transfer of Credit

Advanced Standing Credit

Advanced Standing Credit (ASC) is credit for courses taken at another institution prior to applying to and being accepted at Babson College. Not all courses will be accepted for ASC. ASC will be reviewed during the application process and students will be notified at the time of acceptance by Graduate Admissions of any course that has been approved for ASC. Students must resolve all questions about advanced standing credit with Graduate Admissions during their first semester at Babson. Should a student’s request for advanced standing credit be denied or requested after their first semester, the student will be required to successfully complete the course at Babson. Students cannot take courses for which they have received advanced standing credit without first obtaining approval from the Office of Graduate Academic Services. In those rare cases in which approval is given, the advanced standing credit will be rescinded, whereby the previously granted credit hours are removed from the student’s transcript. 
Policies for specific programs are outlined below. 

Policy for the Part-time MBA Program 

The following information on advanced standing credit applies only to the Part-time MBA program. To receive advanced standing credit, the student must have earned a grade of “B” or better from a nationally or regionally accredited college or university in the United States, or in a comparable international program, within five years of entering the Part-time MBA program. 

Policy for the Full-time MBA Programs 

The following information on advanced standing credit applied only the Full-time MBA programs. In rare circumstances, students may request prior academic coursework be applied to the elective requirements of the One Year or Two Year MBA program pending approval from the faculty director and the Office of Graduate Admissions. To receive advanced standing credit, the student must have earned a grade of “B” or better from a nationally or regionally accredited college or university in the United States or in a comparable international program within five years of entering the Full-time MBA program. When approved, credit will only be awarded for electives; no credit will be awarded for core requirements which must be completed at Babson College with the entering cohort. 

Policy for Masters of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) Program 

The following information on advanced standing credit applies only to the MSBA program. In rare circumstances, students may request prior academic coursework be applied to the MSBA program pending approval from the faculty director and Office of Graduate Admissions. The maximum amount of advanced standing credit that MSBA students may be granted is 6 credits. Advanced standing credit for MSBA elective courses is determined by equivalent graduate course work and based upon approval from Graduate Admissions and the MSBA faculty director. To receive advanced standing credit, the student must have earned a grade of “B” or better from a nationally or regionally accredited college or university in the United States or in a comparable international program within two years of entering the MSBA program. 

Policy for Masters of Science in Finance (MSF) Program 

The following information on advanced standing credit applies only to the MSF program. 
In rare circumstances, students may request prior academic coursework be applied to the MSF program pending approval from the faculty director and the Office of Graduate Admissions. The maximum amount of advanced standing credit that MSF students may be granted is 6 credits. To receive advanced standing credit, the student must have earned a grade of “B” or better from a nationally or regionally accredited college or university in the United States or in a comparable international program within two years of entering the MSF program. 

Policy for Certificate Program 

The following information on advanced standing credit applies only to the Certificate program. Certificate students are not eligible to receive advanced standing credit. Students who have completed equivalent undergraduate or graduate coursework and earned a grade of “B” or better from a nationally or regionally accredited college or university within the last 5 years, and/or have passed the CPA, CFA, or CMA exam may be eligible to receive a waiver in order to meet prerequisite requirements. Students who have passed the CPA, CFA, or CMA will need to submit a copy of their exam results to Graduate Admissions. 

Post-Matriculation Transfer Credit

Graduate students are expected to complete all degree requirements in residence at Babson. Transfer credit for courses taken elsewhere after matriculation will be granted only in cases in which a student relocates (making the commuting distance to Babson impossible), or in certain other rare situations deemed appropriate by the Office of Graduate Academic Services at its discretion. Students wishing to apply for PMTC should be sure they have not previously used up their maximum transfer credit via ASC, BEC, TIO, etc. Please note: students enrolled in the Certificate of Advanced Management Program are not permitted to transfer in credit post-matriculation. 

Post-matriculation transfer credit for elective courses may be granted only for those offered in a graduate- level degree-granting program comparable to AACSB-accredited or EQUIS-accredited schools, where the courses are substantially dissimilar in content to Babson elective courses, when a grade of “B” or better has been earned, and the Office of Graduate Academic Services has received the official transcript. The Office of Graduate Academic Services will coordinate with the appropriate division to determine approval of post- matriculation transfer credit requests. Exceptions to this policy may be made in rare circumstances by appeal to the Associate Dean of Programs. 

All requests for approval to undertake coursework for post-matriculation transfer credit must be submitted to the Office of Graduate Academic Services and approved in writing before registering at another institution. Note, the acceptance of credits or degrees earned at Babson for transfer credit to another institution is at the discretion of the transfer institution. 

Policy for the Full-time MBA Programs 

The maximum post-matriculation transfer credit that may be granted to students in the One-Year and Two- Year MBA programs is 12 elective credits, provided the student has completed the core. 

Policy for the Part-time MBA Program 

The maximum post-matriculation transfer credit that may be granted to Part-time MBA students is 12 credits, provided the student has met the minimum residency requirement of completing at least half of the total degree requirements of the Part-time MBA program at Babson. 

Policy for the MSEL Program 

Students in the MSEL Program are not allowed to apply for post-matriculation transfer credit unless approved in advance by the MSEL Faculty Director for courses required to demonstrate academic competency.  

Policy for Masters of Science in Finance (MSF) Program 

The maximum post-matriculation transfer credit that may be granted to MSF students is 6 credits, provided the student has met the minimum residency requirement (MSF Core) of the MSF program. The combination of advanced standing credit and post-matriculation transfer credit may not exceed 6 credits. 

Policy for Masters of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) Program 

The maximum post-matriculation transfer credit that may be granted to MSBA students is 6 credits, provided the student has met the minimum residency requirement (MSBA Core) of the MSBA program. The combination of advanced standing credit and post-matriculation transfer credit may not exceed 6 credits.